you're always hearing some scientist go on about the benefits of breakfast (well i am anyways)
"it's the most important meal of the day!"
"it sets you up for the day ahead!"
well i've had a little brekkie for the past couple of days and i think i shall carry on that trend. it does make me last longer without wanting to eat and snack, so it must be good :)
especially with a healthy cereal - i have sultana bran. it's yummy, low fat, full of fibre and fortified with vitamins and iron. 20g and 50 ml semi skimmed milk cant hurt (I'm working on getting mum to get skimmed milk, i actually prefer it and it's lower fat, so duh!).
hmm - it does have fiber in, about 3%GDA i think. and 1%GDA fat (the same for saturated). It also has sugar in it - this picture fails for everything apart from calories lol.
my portions come to about 90 cals (i'll round it up to 95 just in case), so yay :)
aaaaand, i'm nearing my goal weight (3 pounds to go!) so i'll need to start working out how much i need to stop losing weight and to stay the same weight.
i think once i stay 110lb for a week or so i will allow myself a day to pig out. i know that i will be able to re-lose anything i put on, and planning a binge doesn't make me feel so guilty, especially with the hard work that i have done to earn it :)
i shall have some lucky charms and a krispy kreme :) maybe some crisps or chips too if i don't feel too sick!
Lucky :( I wish I was as thin as you!!