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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

pulling socks up

and cutting the crap.

this binging is stopping.

dukan diet.


with a little sugar from fruit smoothies. i know you can't on dukan, but i read this today.

Did you know that Refined Table Sugar is actually now CLASSIFIED AS A DRUG because:

1- Eating sugar makes you physically CRAVE MORE of it.

2- Eating sugar causes your body to release pleasure chemicals  as it stimulates the same part in the brain that cocaine and heroine use does, 

3- When you try to 'come off' of sugar you have withdrawal symptoms equal in severity to someone who is going through withdrawal from cocaine or heroin.

fucking heroin.

and i know it. i hurt without sugar. so i'll try to wean myself off it.

i had 2 binge free days last week. this week i aim to beat that.

ana ... i beg of you. help me.