So my new years resolution last year was to lose weight. This year? Essentially it is to gain weight. But I can't think like that too much.
To get better.
To stop being a burden.
Sort myself out.
80 pounds is a bit too far. And it's a long way back. I don't know how I'm going to manage it, but I have to find a way. I have to find a way to live again.
I have to tell my grandparents tomorrow. They will need to know. But how? How can I disappoint them and tell them I might have to take a year out of uni? They have always been so proud of me. And this is how I repay them. I feel so guilty. What a horrible way for them to start the new year.
Perhaps make it a goal to maintain at 90 or 100 (or whichever weight your comfortable at)? Maintaining is a whole new challenge.